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The EAP Team

Teachers on the EAP Team are all full-time staff at the Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) with extensive experience teaching and developing English for Academic and Specific Purposes (EAP & ESP) courses, MAAL, MATESOL and teacher education programmes.  

Professor Ian Holliday
CAES Director

The current director Professor Ian Holliday graduated from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge with a BA and MA in Social and Political Studies. He graduated from New College, Oxford with an MPhil and DPhil in Politics. He first taught at the Department of Government, University of Manchester, and was also a Fulbright Scholar at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University. At City University of Hong Kong, he served as Head of Public and Social Administration and as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences. He joined the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2006 for a five-year term as Dean of Social Sciences. Since January 2015, he has been Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning).

As the CAES Director since August 2023, Professor Holliday is focused on elevating CAES as a regional and international centre of excellence in second language education through teaching, scholarship and innovation.

Current Director.jpg
Dr. Clive Lee 
CAES Executive Director

Dr. Clive Lee joins the CAES as the new Executive Director from HKUST’s new campus in Guangzhou where he founded and led the Division of Language Education, building on his experience as Head of English Language at the University of Bath in the UK. Before his move to higher education, Clive held English language teaching, examining and leadership positions and established a successful international summer school business based on the principles of content and language integrated learning. 


Dr. Lillian Wong, PhD in Applied Linguistics and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, has been Chair of the Research and Professional Development Committee, Coordinator of the Graduate School English Programme, Deputy Coordinator of MA in Applied Linguistics, Coordinator of various English teacher development programmes, supervisor of postgraduate students, and teacher and developer of MAAL, MATESOL, EAP and ESP courses with over 25 years of higher education experience. Dr. Wong has been awarded competitive research grants for 13 projects, given over 165 papers, including 65 plenary and invited presentations around the world, including Mainland China at Fudan University, Beijing Normal University, Jilin University, Northeast Normal University, and Jinan University among others. Recent book publications include Innovation and Change in English Language Education (Routledge, 2013), Faces of English Education: Students, Teachers and Pedagogy (Routledge, 2017), Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice (Routledge, 2019), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd Edition) (Bloomsbury, 2021) and Best practices in English teaching and learning in higher education: Lessons from Hong Kong for global practice (Routledge, 2024). Her articles have appeared in high-impact SSCI indexed journals, including TESOL Quarterly,  ReCALL and System. Dr. Wong has taken various key leadership roles in TESOL International Association, including Director on the Board of Directors, Chair of Professional Development Committee and Chair of Research Professional Council. She was leader of The HKCPD Hub for University English Teachers. Recently, she has been invited as consultant of a Virtual Teaching and Research Office of University English Courses Group under the Ministry of Education in China.  

Dr. Lillian Wong
Educational Training Initiative (ETI) Leader and
Coordinator of Teaching EAP Professional Development Programme

Dr. Juan Castillo has been teaching English for Academic and Specific Purposes at tertiary level since 2005.  After completing his BA in English Studies from the University of Hong Kong, he went on to complete his teacher training and postgraduate degrees from institutions such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Oxford and the University of Hong Kong.  His doctoral thesis examined the relationship between knowledge of formulaic sequences and perceived speaking proficiency of second language users of English. He is the Programme Coordinator of English-in-the-Discipline Courses for the Faculty of Social Sciences. He has taught and developed materials for undergraduate literacy courses for a wide range of disciplines such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Biomedicine, Nursing, Business Administration and Social Sciences subjects.  He also regularly serves as an assessor and marker trainer for external language testing organizations in Hong Kong.   

Dr. Juan Castillo


Dr. Derek Chan is a Senior Lecturer in CAES, HKU. He teaches applied linguistics and EAP courses (e.g. Vocabulary Teaching and Learning) in MAAL and MATESOL programmes. His research interests and publication focus on second language acquisition and bilingualism using psycholinguistics and corpus-based techniques. He is working on two co-authored books in L2 tense-aspect processing and instructed second language classroom-based research methodology. He serves as Editor of The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 

Dr. Derek Chan


Dr. Andy Jarvis is a Senior Lecturer in CAES, HKU. He has been an English teacher for over 20 years and has taught EAP and ESP courses at the university level since 2011. He previously co-coordinated an EAP course for first-year undergraduates and was a subject leader for social science ESP subjects. He also managed an ESP programme offering English in the discipline subjects. During these roles, he developed EAP materials and assessments and oversaw the development of ESP subjects in different disciplines. Dr. Jarvis is an experienced teacher educator having worked on various teacher training initiatives in China, including the delivery of EAP workshops. He has published journal articles and book chapters on multimodal composing, blended learning, and AI interviewing in ESP courses.

Dr. Andy Jarvis


Albert Wong is an experienced EAP practitioner and has taught on seven of the eight English-in-the-discipline programmes at CAES. He currently serves as the coordinator of the English-in-the-discipline programme for the Faculty of Science at HKU and has previously coordinated the English for Specific Academic Purposes module for Dentistry. Albert actively engages in international EAP conference events and has participated in EAP professional development and led professional issues meetings organised by the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was part of the organising committee for the English for General and Academic Purposes Community at The HKCPD Hub for University English Teachers. 

Albert Wong


Andrea Chai teaches on a wide range of academic literacy and English for specific purposes courses for undergraduate students. She is the Deputy Programme Coordinator of English-in-the-Discipline courses for the Faculty of Social Sciences​. She also supervises MATESOL student projects. Her research interests include intercultural communication, English teaching and learning in higher education, and English and international development. In addition to teaching, she serves as a reviewer of HKU's Advance HE Fellowship applications. She is also an affiliated member of International Centre for Intercultural Studies at University College London.   

Andrea Chai


Dr. Letty Chan has been teaching English-related courses in various universities both in Hong Kong and the UK since 2007. Prior to joining CAES in 2019, she was a teacher educator, teaching TESOL methodology courses to pre- and in-service English teachers In Hong Kong. She is currently teaching academic literacies and professional communication to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is also the programme coordinator of the English-in-the-Discipline courses for Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry. She has published journal articles and book chapters in the field of second language motivation.  

Dr. Letty Chan


Dr. Kevin Pat is currently the coordinator of the English-in-the-Discipline course for business and economics students. He has also developed materials for a number of courses at the Centre, co-authored the Academic English: Skills for success (2nd ed.) textbook, and contributed to Project Optimus, a presentation skills website. His research interests include classroom discourse, pragmatics (specifically linguistic im/politeness), and WhatsApp text messaging during university group projects, which was the context of his PhD. He finds the study of teaching and the English language fascinating and hopes to transform this interest into something meaningful for students. 

Dr. Kevin Pat

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